I am trying to configure apache http server so that the requests for the dynamic pages like
JSP can be redirected to the Weblogic server. The versions that i am using are:
Apache: 1.3.31
weblogic 7
OS windows XP
Both the apache and weblogic are installed on same machine. I am modifying the httpd.conf file of apache to add the line
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl.so
I have placed the mod_wl.so in the modules directory under the apache home.
But when i run the apache, I get the following error
D:\myapp\Apache Group\Apache>apache
Syntax error on line 177 of d:/myapp/apache group/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load d:/myapp/apache group/apache/modules/mod_wl.so into server: (193)
Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit. 0.... Is there anything else that needs to done to enable the apache to load the module? Thanking you.