Paul Clapham wrote:I don't understand what "get two rectangle objects intersecting" means. The code you posted doesn't have any rectangle objects in it and it doesn't have a method for determining whether something is intersecting something else. So are you asking about that code? If so, which part of it?
I'm sorry, I should have explained it better. I'm trying to create a lock in the sense that a user clicks on the screen in four different places. To do this I'm having every time the user clicks create a "rectangle" (a circle shape on screen), storing it, and then have the user click a second time creating circles and seeing if all four circles line up properly and intersect the previous set password. The issue is that they always come back as the correct intersecting shape password, even when they are not intersecting. I've been
testing different things, one of them being: if(ellipse.contains(e.getPoint())), to see what I'm clicking on. The results always return back the Rectangle2D class name when printed out, meaning that there are rectangles that I'm not seeing or something else is messed up.
I could have probably avoided this mess if I could figure out how to make a single user click radius larger, and then comparing that range in two arrays. But I couldn't figure that out either.