Hello Weblogicians..
There is one problem.
I have an
java code written which works fine for weblogic 6.1 but now my task is to migrate from weblogic 6.1 to weblogic 8.1, very easy task but difficult too.
In my java code i am using
import weblogic.common.T3ShutdownDef;
public class myclass implements T3ShutdownDef {
-- here i am writing the two methods of that interface...
shutdown(...) {
Now T3shutdowndef is deprecated in weblogic 8.1 so what is the replacement for weblogic 8.1 if its deprecated.
What change i make in code so that i don't get deprecation warning, i want to make my code compatabile with weblogic 8.1 SP4 , jdk1.4
The same is the case with
import weblogic.io.common.T3FileSystem;
What to do .. please suggest