posted 18 years ago
problem is due to the authentication mechanism that I am using.I am using Weblogic 8.1 sp4 and use WLS provided authenctication i.e. I have a login.jsp with action=j_security_check.In the WLS I have defined users and groups.
What is happening is as follows:
1. The user enters the URL.
2. The user is directed to the login page. The user enters the valid login credentials.
3. The request is directed to the requested URL.
4. The user performs a select operation. A set of records appear on the screen.
5. The user selects a record and modifies the existing record. But the user does not save the change. After a period greater than the session timeout, the user clicks on the "Save" button. The session is timed out and the request is redirected to the main login page.
6. The user again enters the valid login credentials, but the page is directed to the action mapping for the 'update' operation instead of the Main page, due to which a NullPointerException occurs, as the framework tries to retrieve data that is not available and populate the form.
The reason is that with WLS security implementation the URL is stored and after successful Login this URL is dished out.
What I would like to know is how can I make the j_security_check always forward to the same page e.g. Menu.jsp rather than using URL stored before timeout occurred.
Hope someone can help me on this....
Thanks & Regards,