posted 7 years ago
Hi all,
I am a noob with android at the moment so please bear with me.
I am currently building an app with action-bar tabs using fragments. I have created four fragments with a mainactivity and I am trying to add a 5th fragment with a news feed in it. Problem is I cannot find a news feed that will fit in a fragment. I have tried the code below is there anyway I can get this to fit into a fragment.
IN the RSS activity I know I have to change it to extend fragment and I have tried changing the oncreate method to oncreate view, removed the setcontentview and added the rootviiew ectr.. and I have tried just using the RssFragment directly but when I do this nothing happens.
How can I get the RSs newfeeds to work within a fragment?.
My mainactivity
Rss MainActivity
Rss Fragment