Welcome to the Ranch and congratulations with video release
1. I like how you distincted
"passing arguments to a method... method accepts parameters..."
2. Pay attention to indentation and formatting, I find inconsistencies. In slides you often don't add spaces around operators +-=... i.e.: int i=0; int i =0; Both are less than optimum. Supposed to be int i = 0;
3. In videos about loops, description says sentin
al value. It supposed to be sentin
4. In loop constructs you always use magic numbers. Please explain in videos that students shouldn't be using those. Instead, they should name them meaningfully.
5. You mention Java has 3 loops. You didn't mention enhanced for loop, which should be favored over the standard if situation permits.
6. Maybe some video about streams next to loops? So the students would see where current programming trend is heading to?
As a general opinion. Well done for doing something rather than not doing. But I wish you to go slightly outside of your comfort zone and look for various ways of explaining things, or maybe different approach to explanations - what currently I see, is a regular procedural, imperative programming, which is what we see often in students attempts to solve their homeworks. Pushing this to people heads makes them later hard to go outside of this area if ever.
Maybe be the one who does the videos explaining even simplest concepts in object oriented way? Even
Hello World could be written that way. Maybe in each and every example employ more methods, explain why one should be using methods always, even in simplest operations, so students eyes would get used to that from the day 1.
Think from the business perspective. What you need to do in order to gain popularity? Need to do someting differently comparing to what everybody does. Maybe to do less but very hight quality? Maybe have a rubric in each and every video where you reveal dangerous things where students need to pay attention to, i.e.: [1] when using scanner which pointing to system.in never close it? [2] when using nextInt() and nextLine() together, what dangerous waiting user there... and similar stuff, so it would attract users to wait each and every video to learn some corner/unusual cases.