Hi Mauricio,
You have already gotten answers for your question but i would like to add a bit more info.
If you'll be use Binary, Octal or Hexadecimal numbers
you should be aware also some points.
You might know binary system use 0 and 1(base 2). Same rules are valid as Liutauras Vilda's mentioned.
You can't use underscore beginig or ending ex;
int i = 0b_111; // won't compile
int i1 = 0b1_11 // compilse
Octal number uses between 0 to 7 (base 8)
int i2 = 0_123; // won't compiles
int i3 = _0123; // compiles
Hexidecimal num uses 0 to 9 and letter A or a to F or f ( A is 11 B is 12 ... 15 is F)
int i4 = 0x_9A; // won't compile
int i5 = 0x9_A; // compiles
By the way do not use underscore for object arguments
ex; Integer i = new Integer("123_456"); // NumberFormatException