I have some problems about what the actual signing process does. Asymetric cryptography is completly clear to me atleast from a mathematical point of view.
When I know create a private and a public key and keep the private one and give the public one away to people I would like to communicate with they can encrypt the information with this key and I can decrypt the messages with my key.
So where is the use of signing a key, especially self-signing a key and what is exaclty done when a key got signed?
PS.: I just randomly picked one of the subforum because I have no plan which fitts with my needs. I want to setup a glassfish v4 server that lets only access users to a
servlet with already own the public key or whatever the signing process does with the public key. I am like reading a million tutorials which use different keytools make different suggestions and tell me about this or that shouldn't be used in practice but we doing it here anyway stuff. I have no idea how to reach my goal atm. :/