I have a requirement where i want to download jar files required for my build from one of our GIT repository which needs authentication. I am using below in my build.xml,
<target name="vijay" unless="ivy.installed">
<mkdir dir="${ivy.home}"/>
<get src="https://github.com/abc/module/raw/lib/apache-ant-1.7.0/ant.jar" dest="${ivy.home}/h.jar"/>
to download above jar. But i am getting below exception,
[get] Error opening connection java.io.FileNotFoundException:
Is this due to thing that my github repository needs authentication? Can I achieve this thing of downloading some jars build time from github?
Regards, Vijay Jamadade.
( Nothing is Impossible.)
but when i try to access normal GIT file which is accessible without authentication can be downloaded. Problem here is authentication might not getting applied. And its not throwing authentication related error. Other files in other repositories like https://jcenter.bintray.com/ are getting downloaded. So I think there is no issue with connection. But whatever i am trying, Is it possible? I am not getting any samples on internet. There is very limited information.
Regards, Vijay Jamadade.
( Nothing is Impossible.)
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