Later, I had a "pure" jwsc problem, in which I got a message that begins
com.bea.util.jam.internal.javadoc.JavadocClassloadingException: An error has occurred while invoking javadoc ...
I won't quote the message in its entirety; see for the complete text.
I was able to solve this by running Ant with an explicit class path. I simply put the following script, under the name "ant.bat" into my working directory, and it seems to work fine. I am a Windows user, so this is a Windows .bat script. To use it, even if you're a Windows user, you'll have to change the value of "realAnt" to point to where Ant is installed on your system. If you're a Unix user, you'll also have to convert this to a shell script.
@echo OFF
echo Running Ant with modified class path
set realAnt=C:\java\ant\bin\ant
set bea=D:/bea
set beaJDK=%bea%/jdk150_11
set toolsJar=%beaJDK%/lib/tools.jar
%realAnt% %*
[ September 15, 2008: Message edited by: Bob Pollack ]
[ September 15, 2008: Message edited by: Bob Pollack ]