I have been trying to deploy a stateless session bean in the trial version of Websphere App Server, Advanced Edition (V3.5) on AIX.
I created an initial JAR file containing the bean, home and remote intrface class files. I then created a deployable JAR file using jetace.
When i tried to deploy the Jar file in WebSphere I received the following error.....
EJBDeploy:generateTies(): Generating ties for implementation classes...
rmic command line:
rmic -classpath
/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/deployedEJBs/HelloEJBDepWorkingDir/__ejbjar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ibmwebas.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/properties:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/serv let.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/webtlsrn.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/lotusxsl.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/compat.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/xalan.jar:/usr/WebS phere/AppServer/lib/ns.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ejs.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ujc.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer//lib/idb.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/repository.j ar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/admin.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/swingall.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/console.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/was20cm.jar:/usr/WebSphere /AppServer/lib/tasks.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/xml4j.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/vaprt.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/sslight.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ibmjndi .jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/deployTool.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/databeans.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/classes:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/tools.jar:/usr/WebSphere/A ppServer/lib/bsf.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/dertrjrt.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/derdbpw.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ivjejb35.jar:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/js.ja r -keep -iiop -d
/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/deployedEJBs/HelloEJBDepWorkingDir/__ejbjar .EJSRemoteHome
rmic return code = 1
com.ibm.ejs.sm.exception.DeploymentException: Deployment[createEJSJar] failed.
IVJ0805E: There were errors during generation of stubs/ties for the interface classes.
I checked the "__ejbjar" folder and found that the EJSRemoteHome file was not being created.
Can you please let me know what the reason for this error could be and how I can work-around this error ?
Is there any specific setting in WebSphere/jetace environment that I may have overlooked?
i had tried to deploy the
EJB in an Application server that I had created. Though I encountered an error while deploying this EJB,i was able to deploy an EJB (jar file) that was provided with the WebSphere example files.
The EJB classes that I created have been included below, for your reference.
The EJB classes that I created .........
Home interface -HelloHome.java Remote Interface - Hello.java
Session Bean - HelloEJB.java
The code for each is given below:
import javax.ejb.*;
import java.rmi.*;
public interface HelloHome extends EJBHome {
Hello create()
throws RemoteException, CreateException;
import javax.ejb.*;
import java.rmi.*;
public interface Hello extends EJBObject {
String sayHello() throws RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.*;
import java.rmi.*;
public class HelloEJB implements SessionBean {
String str="Hello";
public void ejbCreate() {
public String sayHello() throws RemoteException {
return str;
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sc){}
public void ejbRemove() throws RemoteException {}
public void ejbActivate() throws RemoteException {}
public void ejbPassivate() throws RemoteException {}
[This message has been edited by Madhumita Banerjee (edited May 02, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Madhumita Banerjee (edited May 02, 2001).]