posted 5 years ago
It changes over time. For a while, I listened to Smetena's Moldau more or less on repeat. In another era, it might have been Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. When I finally had sufficient resources to stream off the Internet while working, I spent a year or 3 tuned into New Age. And lately, I like Die neue Welle radio station from Karlsruhe, Germany which has a more varied playlist than most radio stations. Also it amuses me to hear their local commercials, and the news in German.
Mostly I prefer instrumental, since having words in my head while I'm running program text through at the same time can be confusing. And a lot of times I have nothing at all now that I work in my own space and don't have to drown out the distractions of a lot of co-workers.
The secret of how to be miserable is to constantly expect things are going to happen the way that they are "supposed" to happen.
You can have faith, which carries the understanding that you may be disappointed. Then there's being a willfully-blind idiot, which virtually guarantees it.