I am creating a DataSource in the Web sphere 4.0 and trying to do the lookup for the datasource by doing (javax.sql.DataSource) ContextFactory.lookup("jdbc/PoolName").But at the runtime while trying to access the DataSource it is giving ClassCastException.
In the Log it is showing the object as "com.ibm.ejs.cm.JDBC1PhaseRF" error. We even went to the extent of exploring the IBM Classes of Websphere 4.0 but without any success.We followed the documentation of Websphere 4.0 for creating the DataSource and specifying the Connection
What could be the problem? Is there any different way to create the DataSource in IBM Websphere 4.0 than it is done in Websphere 3.5 and is there any different way to do the lookup of the Connection Pool.
Please help.
Adesh Dhar.