Hi all...
my intention is to write a finder method which takes an integer parameter(ie Salary) and tries to find the grade of that salary in the SALGRADE table of oracle.(SQL Query for this result is
"Select grade from SALGRADE where 2050 between losal and hisal")
i am using Visual Age for
Java 4.0
eth goes fine till I invoke the findGradeForSal method in the
Test Client of VAJ...
There i get the following error :
Exception is:
java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server
thread; nested exception is:
com.ibm.ejs.persistence.EJSPersistenceException: findSalBetween failed:; nested exception is:
Can Anyone suggest me a work around for this...???
I wrote the following finder method for the above query:
public static final findGradeForSalQueryString ="select T1.Grade from SalGrade T1 where
? >= T1.LoSal and ? <= T1.HiSal"
all other finder methods are working fine...Also
in the ibm-ejb-jar.xmi file the above finder is converted to a perfect SQL statement...
Thanks in Advance...