posted 22 years ago
Hi, all. In WebSphere 4.0 Infocenter Implementing custom finder helpers for CMP entity beans, I noticed that all the select statements are in upper-case but there is no mention that it has to be in upper-case. So I am wondering if the statements are to be in upper-case?
You see, I was using the where clause when I entered "(T1.userID = ?) AND (T1.companyid =?)" and this gave me a nullpointer exception which I traced it to the find method that is calling the above where clause. After trying all ways to resolve this issue, the last resort I took was to change the above where clause statement to all upper case and this is resolved.
Can anyone confirm or disprove this? For your info, I am running on Win 2000, WebSphere Advanced Edition Server and DB2. Thanks