hi Kyle and everyone
we have a CMP Entity bean which is working in 3.5 but when deployed in 4.0 it is giving error for custom finder methods.
we have a custom finder method and when we call this method it is giving this following error
java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server
thread; nested exception is:
com.ibm.ejs.container.UncheckedException: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.Error: Prepared statement does not map to connection
com.ibm.ejs.container.UncheckedException: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.Error: Prepared statement does not map to connection
java.lang.Error: Prepared statement does not map to connection
we feel this is related to the Database connections which the container is getting from datasource but the same thing is working for findByPrimaryKey on the same CMP Entity Bean.
we are not able to resolve the problem pl give some suggestions.
the deployment descriptor is having the following
< finderDescriptors xmi:type="ejbext:FullSelectFinderDescriptor" xmi:id="FullSelectFinderDescriptor_2" selectStatement="SELECT * FROM AFT_ATTR_FILTER T1 WHERE T1.ATTR_FILTER_ID = ?" >
< finderMethodElements xmi:id="MethodElement_6" name="findByAttrFilterID" parms="java.math.BigDecimal" type="Home" >
< enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:ContainerManagedEntity" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ContainerManagedEntity_2" / >
< /finderMethodElements >
< / finderDescriptors >