In answer to your first question, most of those properties appear to be to tell Ant where Netbeans is and where its copy of Tomcat is. Which is mostly useless except with Netbeans. Looks like maybe Netbeans was expected to launch a
test browser as well, but I'm not sure.
In answer to your second question, those Ant actions are to deploy the WAR that has been built to the Tomcat server. Maven has a "deploy" goal instead, so you don't need any of that, although the information regarding the server location, application context, and other variable data would have to be translated into POM equivalents for the deploy goal to use.
As an editorial opinion, I've never been big on making Ant or Maven deploy my webapps. For development and testing I have Tomcat set to use the WAR as it was built (withing the source project) instead of exporting it to somewhere else. And for production, I build a stand-alone deployable that generally has to be handed over to the operations staff for security reasons. Or, if
Jenkins is in control, I let Jenkins handle that part.