posted 4 years ago
Our program has three core levels, Oracle Certified Associate, Oracle Certified Professional and Oracle Certified Master. Each level represents a set of skills and capabilities to a defined job level.
The Oracle Certified Associate is our entry level certification and demonstrates fundamental skills and foundational knowledge.
The Oracle Certified Professional proves advanced level skill and can apply strong knowledge.
The Oracle Certified Master performs hands-on tasks to solve real-world problems in a performance based environment.
Oracle Certified Masters can be either Database technologists or Java Enterprise Architects.
So why do we think reaching the highest level of certification should be on your radar?
The certification speaks for itself.
Join and collaborate with other certified masters whom you share a common interest and dedication with.
We're proud of these folks that have invested a lot of their time to achieve our highest level of certification. View the Oracle Certified Masters here who have added their profile to our Community page.
If that's not reason enough, hear what other IT industry certification vendors have to say about Earning the Hardest Tech Certifications in this article published by Insight in January 2017. All agree that experience or training alone doesn't stack up to possessing a stamp that signifies your readiness to perform at the highest level.
I hope this will help to you