Thanks, Dave. I now have a gen-u-wine 2-phase seesion
ejb that in the same method can create instances of two different entity beans. All works fine now (e.g., no throuwn exceptions as described in original message) when both beans are successfully created. However, I'm getting exceptions during the rollback. I suspect I need to do something in my bmp ejb in ejbLoad and/or ejbStore, but I'll work on that.
In the meantime, I'll pass on a couple of things I have learned re. the "db2xadriver."
1) I don't think there is any such beast. I believe at the driver level it using the same "universal db2driver." What it seems to need is a set of XA classes including DB2XAResource DB2XADataSource and DB2XAConnection classes which are in the file.
2) The critical missing step is to define a new XA
JDBC Provider and datasource objects. (I created a new
Test Server and configuration to keep it separate from the 1-phase version.) Then, going to the Data Soruce tab for the new server, I created a new JDBC Provider, selecting as the implementation class. I also added a new DataSource to be used with this provider.
Thanks for the pointer. On to the next problem!