User selects "Enter Usage Details" option
Ask user to enter their region and average usage in KW per day or return to Main Menu
User can enter numbers to enter their region
1- TAM
2- MUM
3- ND
4- BL
After entering valid region, enter avg. usage per day.
The value entered must be positive and after taking inputs, the program should show main menu.
1. Enter usage details
2. Display cost under provider 1
3. Display cost under provider 2
4. Show report
5. Exit
I think your post would fit better in one of our other fora (moving). Have you got a question? Is this an assignment? We don't supply answers for assignments, but if you show us what you have achieved so far, we shall be pleased to help you.
Let's start by adding code tags to your code, and a bit of indentation, so we can actually read it
I think you are going about the task the wrong way. You are trying to write code from centre to periphery, and the code looks unplanned to me, I am afraid. Start by telling us what the plan for your code is; I haven't got the time to say any more at the moment: sorry.
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