posted 21 years ago
Hi All,
Can anyone shed some light on the following?
I've got an EAR file which we created via the AAT. We deployed it in Websphere without any problems. We then changed a few things in the EAR via the AAT:
1. The display name for the application. From xmap.ear to xmap
2. The File name for the web module. From xmap.war to xmap.
We saved the file and then deployed it via Websphere admin console.
We saved the changes etc. and restarted the server. Looking in the system.out log file I get a problem regarding a missing file. For some reason, Websphere is looking for the following:
The directory xmap.ear.ear doesn't exist!!! (xmap.ear does however)
I've searched through various files looking for this, but I can't find out why Websphere is looking for this particular directory. I've deinstalled/reinstalled many times and I always get the same problem.
Has anybody seen the same problem, or have any ideas what I can do?
Many thanks in advance,
Andy Lawson.
Andy <br />SCJP - 1.2 (October 2003)