I created a 5.0
test server and
J2EE 1.3 project, but somehow when I changed my code, the server is not picking up the change automatically, I need to manually restart the server.
How can I configure a test server to reload my changes automatically ? Here is my server output:
*** Starting the server ***
************ Start Display Current Environment ************
WebSphere Platform 5.0 [BASE 5.0.2 ptf2M0325.01] running with process name localhost\localhost\server1 and process id 3148
Host Operating System is Windows 2000, version 5.0
Java version = J2RE 1.3.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn131-20030711a (JIT enabled: jitc), Java Compiler = jitc, Java VM name = Classic VM
was.install.root = C:\work\programs\IBM\wsad51\runtimes\base_v5
user.install.root = C:\work\programs\IBM\wsad51\runtimes\base_v5
Java Home = C:\work\programs\IBM\wsad51\runtimes\base_v5\java\jre