Raul Rios wrote:Hey Alex and Jason,
Congratulations for your new book.
Thank you!
I'm currently researching options to migrate a classic JAX-RS application made with Jersey to a microservices arquitecture based application. Is it Quarkus a good fit for this migration project?
This is exactly the spot Quarkus shines!
Regarding your book, I have seen that it assumes the reader to have knowledge about technologies like JPA, JAX-RS, CDI, Eclipse Microprofile or Eclipse Vert.x. I have experience with some of these technologies (JAX-RS or CDI) but not others. Do you consider an essential requirement to have this knowledge before reading your book?
Thanks in advance.
With the background you currently have with JAX-RS and CDI you'll be just fine. If you want to get into the details of how everything works, scheduling, the event loop, etc. You'll need experience with some of those other techs, especially Eclipse Vert.X. The Microprofile stuff you can learn as you go.