Quarkus turned-out a good fit for me when I was looking for a framework assemble a microservice-type solution running in a (Podman) container environment. The output from a build is split in to different directories for libs, app, etc., which works well when building/updating a layered container image. Applications/services based on Quarkus have a fast start-up time, and generally require significantly less memory. When coupled with GraalVM to create a native application (doesn't need separate JVM to run), the start-up can be as little as a few milliseconds, and the memory can be reduced by more than half.
Quarkus is feature-rich and there is a good chance that it already included integrations for functionality that you may need. The development/debugging environment - code changes are reloaded automatically without need to to rebuild and restart the application.
The community is excellent and has always been helpful when I encountered problems. The development team is quite responsive when issues arise, and often include a fix in the next release.
I suggest that you give it a try -
you should be able to go from zero to a working application in under 10 or 15 minutes.