I've read through several past messages but I am still having problems getting RAC to work correctly.
Here's what I'm doing.
Installed RAC on Windows serving running Websphere 5.1
Attempt to configure server on WSAD5 on Windows machine. I get an error when trying to configure the remote server.
"Cannot query remote server information:
java.lang.Exception:IWAD0260E cannot launch remote process using the
agent. The Remote Agent Controller configuration file is not correct
there may be an error in the command line."
If I continue then when I go to publish I get an error that the ports are in use for the server. I increment the ports by 1 and do not get that error again. Instead I get
"IWAD0251E An error occurred when starting the server:
IWAD0250E Ensure that the Remote Agent Controller is started in the remote server machine and the WebSphere installation directory is correct.
Ensure that the WAS_HOME_V5 variable is set to the correct WebSphere installation directory on the remote agent controller. "
I've been through the xml file several times. Stopped and started the Agent controller several times.
I've changed the WAS_HOME_V5 variable in the config file - I've also changed the JAVA_PATH variable. It's totally possible I do not have them right.
1)Wondering if anyone has the solution???
2)Or knows of an IBM source that explains this process in detail - I can only find little snippets.
3)Maybe someone with a similar configuration could send me there config file?
4) Please don't tell me that running websphere 5.1 and wsad5 creates a problem?