Thanks for your reply.. however I still cannot find my local objects. In this case, my three JNDI names are defined as follows in the websphere console:
I did not preface these jndi names with 'ejb/'. Shouldn't matter .. but could that be the issue?
I can lookup each of the jndi names listed above without issue. However, I have never been able to find a local object. I have taken your advice and configured my application to lookup the following jndi names:
OnDemandService --> works but is a remote object .. and results in
nDemandService --> javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name "OnDemandService" not found in context "local:".
nDemandService --> javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name "comp/env/local
nDemandService" not found in context "java:".
I've heard some people saying that you need to use the java:comp/env as a prefix to jndi names. When should I be prefixing my jndi name with this
I was looking in the WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps folder and I see that websphere generated some files in my ejb-jar during the deployment of my enterprise application:
It appears that the files were generated but were never bound in the jndi tree. Is there an easy way to tell which entries are bound in the jndi tree via the server administrative console?
Do you have any other suggestions? Could my ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file be to blame? I'm using xdoclet to generate each of my deployment descriptors.