posted 1 year ago
I've added some togglebuttons to my code, where each togglebutton decides whether the corresponding light is on or off.
Initially, all togglebuttons are selected, so all lights should be on. Only three are visible though, left, right and top. You can see this by dragging over the box and rotating it. If you click on say left, then the left light goes out, and another light goes on.
Another thing that I noticed is that although all togglebuttons are selected, only the left one has a blue border. It almost seems as if these buttons are in a togglegroup, although that is not the case.
Admitted, I am reading the book "Learn JavaFX 17" (and if you want to buy it: buy the e-pub or pdf-version, since the book is a whopping 6 a 7 centimeters thick, making it hard to handle), and started reading at chapter 16, the 3D part, so I may have missed a thing or two
There are three kinds of actuaries: those who can count, and those who can't.