Can anyone explain me this error and why it occured with Spring 6 version only ?
Here is the error I encountered while trying to start
tomcat 10.X with Spring MVC and security 6.
Since I have XML config, when I defined a bean named mvcHandlerMappingIntrospector inside my applicationContext-security.xml, it stopped complaining about it but I am trying to understand what has changed from Spring 5.X to Spring 6.X that has started causing this error. The online documentaion of spring is not very clear to me as they have mentioned few things about it here :
But that's Spring 5.X
doc and I never encountered this error in Spring 5.X, it's only when I recently migrated to Spring 6, and trying to start my application, I encountered above error.
I have somewhat similar XML setup like this user of this
thread who encountered same error but his solution is different than mine as far as fixing this error is concerned.