Hello. If you have a minute, I have code using
jdbc to connect to oracle db on aws instance....
they need to change the oracle from http to https. However, I don't see any reference to protocol in getConnection args, the url arg is stored as....
I also have a
Tomcat config file for a separate app (to the same Oracle instance) but see nothing on protocol...
<Resource name="jdbc/AcmeDev" auth="Container"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
username="acme_developer" password="encoded_gibberish" maxActive="20" minIdle="0"
How could I change these to https protocol? I also think I need to set up a trust store with the oracle public key somewhere in Tomcat. I configured Tomcat as an https host last year, with a self-signed key store (intranet use) which is in everybody's browser trust store. But now, the Tomcat app is a browser-less client of an https server (oracle). thank you very much for reading.
Oh, I am using ojdbc8.jar so i am anticipating there might be TLS version issue. Is there an updated oracle driver?