Originally posted by jignesh soni:
what webserver is used with websphere ?
WebSphere Application Server (WAS) has an internal proprietary web server. However, when you buy WebSphere Application Server, you also get a license to IBM HTTP Server (IHS) which is basically just the Apache HTTP Server with a few enhancements. In a production environment, you would normally have IHS running on port 80 as the main interface with the user and then a plugin for IHS forwards any dynamic requests to the WAS server.
Originally posted by jignesh soni:
IS websphere compatible to be used to ASP and JSP both ?
No, it isn't. WAS is a
Java application server and therefore only serves JSPs.
Originally posted by jignesh soni:
As Apache-Tomcat can not be used for ASP and IIS can be used only for ASP, are there any restrictions with websphere ?
As stated above, WAS cannot be used to serve ASP. One difference between WAS and Apache-Tomcat is that WAS can serve EJBs, where Apache-Tomacat cannot.