Congrats on passing the exams! Are the candidates allowed to take the exams in any order they wish? I do not know about this, sorry! The exams listed by Oracle in
exam-details page are in the following order:
1Z0-001 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL
1Z0-023 Oracle8i: Architecture and Administration
1Z0-025 Oracle8i: Backup and Recovery
1Z0-024 Oracle8i: Performance Tuning
1Z0-026 Oracle8i: Network Administration
As far as 9i is concerned, the order is fixed, I think as the total exams have been divided into three levels - associate, administrator and master. I do not know much about 8i, but if I were to take, probably I would be following the order given, provided there are no compelling reasons to change the order!
Best Wishes,
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for
Java 2 Platform