I need to insert the same value into both the rows whose columnid is 1234 and 1235 using a single insert.
So after the insert it will look like this.
columnid titles_id title 1234 BU1237 Get Going 1235 BU1237 Get Going
If you already have in your table the rows with columnid 1234 and 1235 then you should use: update titles set title_id = "BU1237", title = "Get Going!" where columnid = "1234" or columnid = "1235"
Because insert will only work if you are inserting a new row, so you dont have those values in columnid. In that case you should use: insert into titles (title_id, title, columnid) values ("BU1237","Get Going!","1234") insert into titles (title_id, title, columnid) values ("BU1237","Get Going!","1235") Two rows is not to much but if you need a lot more, then please give us more background about the problem.
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