posted 22 years ago
Hi Sami
Here is one way to do it (as of TC version 3.2)
1. Stop Tomcat.
2. Delete an existing deployment (If you tried before and it went pear-shaped). If you previously deployed "foo.war" in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps, then it has been unpacked into webapps/foo/... You must delete this directory and all its contents.
On Unix, this can be done with
rm -r $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/foo or
del %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/foo on Win
3. Copy WAR file to TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/.
Start Tomcat.
( A "deploy tool" apparently is on the Tomcat "to-do" list)
If you deploy a WAR file in this manner, you do not need to make any changes to server.xml -- its automatically recognized and activated. However, if you wish to specify non-default options for this webapp, you may do so by adding an element like
<Context docBase="webapps/foo" ...
to server.xml.
- Jim Petersen <br />SCJP2<br />SCWCD<p>- but then again, I could be wrong...