I'd incorrectly specified the docbase in the context. When I specified the docbase to be the name of the war file I was trying to deploy tomcat successfully unpacked the war file ie
However, that's not the end of it. What I'm now seeing is that the war file (quickstart.war) has been unpacked in the directory specified in the 'Engine' tag. So in the {TOMCAT_HOME}/work/Standalone/localhost directory I now have
quickstart/web-inf/web.xmlquickstart/web-inf/lib/numerous .jar files Any
servlets I have in the web-inf/lib directory are served up ok but none of the
jsp files which are present in the war file are being unpacked to the {TOMCAT_HOME}/work/Standalone/localhost/quickstart directory so I can't run them. Something is very wrong and I'm failing to see what it is.
The Engine tags reads as follows:
The Host tag reads as follows:
The first part of the context reads as follows:
All suggestions welcome