I am looking at installing
Tomcat for our students here at the Community College to teach
JSP and
I have run into the problem of configuring Tomcat on our Win 2000/XP machines. Due to security, students cannot change any of the enviroment variables or autoexec.bat files directly.
We use
Java 1.4.2 and have tomcat 5.0.19 installed hard drive.
Some Questions:
1. First how can we let the students use tomcat and configuring tomcat usin the DOS command line? (I.E what commands to use, to set Java Home, changing port number, etc.)
2. Were are good tutorials on setting Tomcat via command line as a standalone machine? I have done seaches on this most books/website but can only find a few real good simple tutorials on this.
3. Finally and good recommendations on Tomcat Reference books.