i've got the "custom" URL mapping working, now - basically, uninstalled/reinstalled and started from scratch (it's tough to say what i goofed up trying to change random values in the XML files...)
once i had a clean slate, there's nothing more to it than the book says:
(1) make sure the server is stopped (in case it doesn't auto-absorb)
(2) copy your webapp into the [tomcat install dir]\webapps directory
(3) make your [tomcat install dir]\webapps\[your app]\WEB-INF\web.xml resemble the following:
*your web.xml looks fine aside from the extra /SkiClub in url-pattern
*verified that it does no harm to have servlet-name/pattern/class all the same (i.e. LoginServlet)
*there are NO changes necessary for [tomcat install dir]\conf\server.xml or web.xml (i.e. the tomcat-4-style Context element did not need to be present)
*i noticed that if you can get http:\\[host]\SkiClub to show a DIRECTORY LISTING then you're on the right track
the example from their documentation site just about sums up how simple this process is (click on "To a servlet"):