Hi Kitty,
Sailing in the same boat. I too am tryin to differentiate between Tocat and Apache.....
As far as I know, Servlets need to be mapped in the Web.xml file, with their respective classes. So, if u write a new servlet into ur application, you have to enter the details into ur web.xml for that application.
All the more, once entereed, it need not be altered for successive runs.
Say, your servlet is MyServlet.java. You compile and get MyServlet.class
Now, in ur web.xml, u have to tell Tomcat, which is the servlet class to load? and what is the name and the URL
Pattern, to call the servlet. All these are mandatory entries for the servlets.
HTTP Status 404 - /servlet/coreservlets.HelloWorld
type Status report
message /servlet/coreservlets.HelloWorld
description The requested resource (/servlet/coreservlets.HelloWorld) is not available.
Such an error occurs for me due to some error in the mapping. A new Servlets need to be mapped.
This is what i know, from my side. Any ways, more inputs on this are welcome.