I'm developing an application which is a
java servlet, deployed on
tomcat 5.5
Now, I want my application to take raw data from the client through
sockets, & for that it has to make a socket connection and listen that
port for data.
I've heard that we can create Connectors in Tomcat, which can listen
to any protocol type of request i.e. Http, Telnet or any of
application protocol.
In my case I need a Connector which can listen to a socket for raw
data type requests�
And, I can hook my application (or servlet) with that Connector & can
listen to those requests which are coming on that connection.
But, as a solution I want my client to be a simple Telnet tool, which
can send requests on the port, I've configured for my Connector.
But, till now I've seen tomcat entertaining Http requests only.
Please suggest,
- How to implement this in tomcat 5.5
- Is there any built-in connector available
- Is it possible to make a custom connector for this scenario
Looking forward to your comments & suggestions