i think i see the problem with the servlets but not sure how to fix it, other than finding where i call the second index.html and changing it so i can change that filename, im not even sure if i called it from a servlet or a static page. my directory structure is wrong, i should only have one WEB-INF under ROOT and classes folder should be under that.
yeah i found it and it is a static page i can just change the name and get everything in ROOT folder. that should fix the servlet problem.
i have no clue why i am getting the connection refused error though
this is ridiculous!!!
the invoker is uncommented
my directory now looks like this:
G:\Program Files\Tomcat\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes
all static pages and
JSP's are in ROOT folder
all servlets are in classes folder
i call the first servlet like this
<form action="/servlet/MyCookieServlet" method="get">
and it still doesnt work!!!
and even if i finally get this working i still have to figure out where to put database file or rewrite that servlet
[ June 17, 2005: Message edited by: Randall Twede ]