Hi, I'm pretty sure there is a simple answer to this but I've exhausted every possibility I can think of apart from 'manual'
I have a domain -
www.mydomain.com I want to base my webapp - /dir/dir/webapps/MyWebApp
at that domain so I created a new host in the Tomcats server.xml
<Host name="www.mydomain.com" unpackWARs="true" appBase="/dir/dir/webapps/MyWebApp">
<Context path=""
It works - apart from of course I upload my MyWebApp.war to the /dir/dir/webapps/ directory - which does not get picked up by the auto unpack.
I can create an extra dummy host pointing at /dir/dir/webapps/ as the appBase which does the unpack but then 2 instances of MyWebApp are launched and I get a
thread nightmare.
I tried moving the MyWebApp.war to /dir/dir/webapps/MyWebApp/ that unpacks but then of course I have my app running in /dir/dir/webapps/MyWebApp/MyWebApp/ ?!
I tried manipulating the docbase in the context.
All to no avail - so now I just manually unpack the war each time I change anything.
Is there a simple answer for a frustrated
tomcat newb ?