Hello! I understand the basics of
Java Web Services, but have some questions about JaxWS and
1) We're doing application with WS. One developer provide me WS interface and said I have to use Axis to use it. As I understand Axis is just implementation of
SOAP. But JavaSE6 has already had SOAP support as JAX-WS. Can I use 'wsimport' and standart packages without axis to work with his web services? Will my code work without any additional libs on JBoss after deployment?
2) I was trying to use new YahooMailAPI (WS API) to access mail. They provide working sample with Axis2. A try to generate stubs with 'wsimport' produce an error. Yahoo said, that I required to use Axis. Why? Isn't JavaSE6 libs enought to consume WebServices?
3) If I deploy my app, which uses Axis(Axis2) stubs on JBoss will it work without any additional (Axis) libs there?