Thanks Rick. I did do that in the end.
I think what confused me was actually the example config file! I seem to remember that I looked at it and said to myself "ah, that's done then", without making the connection that I also needed to update the "real" resin.conf.
I've now worked through all the tutorial which is there. I've had lots of fun adapting my generic
ant build tools to support an optional ejbdoclet processing step and built a little book-keeping program which hangs together quite nicely. Once I got up to speed xdoclet sure seemed to make
EJB simpler to work with.
I couldn't work out how to use xdoclet with compound public keys, though, so my example application still uses a slightly clunky build-a-string-and-use-the-hashcode method to generate "unique" integer ids. Any suggestions ?
Thanks for the tutorial, anyway!