Author/s : Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev
Publisher : Manning
Category : Swing, AWT, and Graphics
Review by : Thomas Paul
Rating : 10 horseshoes</pre>
Two years ago, the JavaRanch reviewer, Anmarie Ziegler, wrote this about the
first edition: "Overall this is an excellent book, and I would recommend it for
the intermediate to advanced Swing developer." The same can be said of the
second edition of "Swing". This edition has been updated to bring it up to
Java 1.4 with new examples, new components, and three new chapters.
You should note
that this book is not for beginners. If "threads", "anonymous classes", or
"event handling" are foreign words to you then you should go over the basic
Swing chapters in a Java intro book such as "Beginning Java 2" by Ivor Horton.
If you consider yourself at least an intermediate Java programmer and are
comfortable with the basics of the AWT and you want to learn Swing very well
then you are ready for this book. The authors have written the Bible of Swing.
This book covers not just the basics of Swing but goes beyond that to teach you
how to build your own Swing components. The cover states that the book
contains, "production quality code" and this is exactly what it contains. You
will find no simple "Hello World" examples but instead demonstrations of how to
make use of the real power of Swing. The coding samples you will find in this
book are extremely detailed and well commented. If you want to learn how to be
a competent Swing developer then you should get this book.
More info at Amazon.com More info at Amazon.co.uk