Author/s : Roland Barcia, Bill Hines, Tom Alcott, Keys Botzum
Publisher : Prentice Hall
Category : J2EE
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 9 horseshoes</pre>
When a book makes me miss my stop on the bus, I know it's a good book. "IBM WebSphere Deployment and Advanced Configuration" is the WebSphere 5 book I have been waiting for. It is the final one in a series of three, but stands alone if you are familiar with
J2EE. (The first book in the series is Kyle Brown's WSAD book -- also excellent and they complement each other well.)
Four IBM WebSphere specialists write the book. They manage to explain everything in a way that is easy to understand, yet detailed. After explaining the WAS (WebSphere Application Server) architecture, the book focuses on major J2EE components. The authors include best-practices and recommendations throughout. Even an appendix on Web Services.
The first three parts of the book cover the portion of WAS applying to all versions. The fourth part covers the Network Deployment version and its specific features. There is also an incredibly useful problem solving section.
While this is not a development book, the authors do highlight deployment decisions that should be made in the development phase and describe the ideal development/testing environment. Except for a few pages, the book is
IDE neutral. However, WSAD users will find many things can be done on the IDE or the server.
In the week and a half I've had this book, I have used it as a reference many times. It has already helped me solve several problems. I only wish I had it sooner.
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