Passed with 76%.
Here's some info:
1. I thought the
test was harder then the pre-assessment.
2. Some of the diagram were very large and required much scrolling.
3. Some of the question require you know more then the general principles, and actually know the exact details. The process questions are out their.
4. Their are a lot of, choose the BEST answers that can be very simular.
5. One of the questions was dead wrong, and I plan to write IBM about it. I looked it up and the question contradicts itself.
Here's my break down:
Section: perc of test/score
Dev Process: 12%/85%
Req Modeling: 18%/50%
Architecture: 12%/85%
State Modeling: 22%/76%
Dynamic Modeling: 24%/76%
Design and Implementation: 12%/85%
David Roberts - SCJP2,MCP