I am planning to take the exam tomarrow and I would like to know the answers to the following IBM Mock questions. It will be greatly appreciated if some one can help me.
1. Refer to the exhibit to answer the question.What are the system's actors in the diagram?
a) Clerk, Manager
b) Clerk, Manager, Customer
c) Clerk, Manager, Bank network
d) Clerk, Manager, Bank network, Customer
Exhibit Single select answer
2. Which of the following are TRUE about software architectures?
a) Two tier software architectures do not scale to as many clients as three (or more) tier architectures.
b) Two tier architectures lead to more reuse than three or more tier architectures.
c) Thin clients are restricted to GUI parts.
d) Dividing the application architecture into Model, View and Controller layers leads to flexibility.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
3. Which of the following is TRUE about a deployment diagram?
a) Since there is always some kind of response to a message, the dependencies are two-way between deployment components.
b) Dependencies between deployment components tend to be the same as the package dependencies.
c) Deployment diagrams are NOT to be used to show physical modules of code.
d) Deployment diagrams do NOT show physical distribution of a system across computers.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
4. A system undergoing performance
testing is found to be "thrashing" (a condition that occurs when there is too much concurrency). Which of the following artifacts would be MOST helpful to uncover the problem?
a) The use case descriptions
b) A state diagram
c) A process view
d) An activity diagram
e) A collaboration diagram
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
5. Refer to the exhibits to answer the question.
There are two new requirements for IBMStore.com: discounts for damaged goods, and searches by size and color. Using Figure Sample 2, which of the following is the BEST way to extend the class diagram to handle these requirements?
a) Extend the InventoryProduct class to handle the new requirements.
b) Create a new class "PhysicalProduct" that represents an actual product in the warehouse. Associate the PhysicalProduct with its related InventoryProduct.
c) Add new capabilities to the Inventory class for the management of its Products.
d) No changes are needed due to these requirements.
https://certify.torolab.ibm.com/figures/486fig4203137.gif Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
6. A resulting benefit of using
polymorphism is reduction of:
a) methods in the associated classes.
b) subclasses needed to accomplish the same functionality.
c) case statements and conditionals.
d) coupling between classes in the system.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
7. Refer to the designs below:
- In Design #1, the Catalog object has a getProducts() method, which returns a xx collection object, such as a Dictionary or array, containing all the Products the company sells.
- In Design #2, the Catalog object has a getProductNumbered(anIdentifier) method, which returns the Product with the specified unique identifier.
Considering a requirement to get a specific product, which of the following BEST characterizes the two designs?
a) Both designs maintain the objects' encapsulation and reduce coupling by accessing state data via methods only and not directly.
b) Both designs break the objects' encapsulation, adding brittle coupling.
c) Design #1 adds brittle coupling. Design #2 maintains the encapsulation of the Catalog, making future design changes easier.
d) Design #1 maintains the encapsulation of the Catalog by hiding the implementation details in the getProducts() method. Design #2 breaks the encapsulation of the Catalog since it uses anIdentifier as the Product key.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
8. Refer to the exhibit to answer the question.
Which of the following correctly describes the relationship?
a) Access to SalesLineItems is by Product. A SalesTransaction can have multiple SalesLineItems for one Product.
b) Access to Products is by SalesLineItem. A SalesTransaction has zero or more SalesLineItems for one Product.
c) SalesTransactions contain Products, which are listed by one or more SalesLineItems.
d) SalesLineItems are for a quantity of one or more Products for a particular SalesTransaction.
https://certify.torolab.ibm.com/figures/486fig46037.gif Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
9. Refer to the partial requirements below:
When the loan officer receives the completed application for a new mortgage, a folder will be created for the customer. The loan officer will then commission an appraisal of the collateral property and request financial information from the customer's financial institutions and workplace. Which of the following is TRUE?
a) The verbs in the requirements become methods in the object model.
b) Some of the verbs in the requirements become methods of the nouns they reference. E.g., a FinancialInstitution class would have a getFinancialInformationFor( aCustomer ) method.
c) Some of the verbs in the requirements become methods of the concept taking the action. E.g., a LoanOfficer class would have a getFinancialInformationFor( aCustomer ) method.
d) Some of the verb phrases in the requirements become overriding methods of the related superclass, due to the specialization of the action.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
10. Which of the following are TRUE about the strengths and weaknesses of activity diagrams?
a) Activity diagrams are good at enumerating object collaborations to accomplish a task.
b) Activity diagrams are good at exploring the interactions related to one or more use cases.
c) It is difficult to discern exactly how to map the activity diagram actions to object model specifics.
d) Since activity diagrams allow parallel behavior modeling, they are good for workflow modeling.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
11. What is the BEST model change for the following new requirements in the mortgage processing system?
A government agency (taxing authority) maintains and updates its tax rates on an annual basis. A property's taxable value is also reassessed annually by the taxing authority. When the taxable value changes, it must be remembered. Requests for the amount of taxes due use the present taxable value for the property and tax rates in effect for the taxing authority.
a) Add an updateAssessedValue( newValue ) method to the Mortgage class, which uses newValue in collaboration with the Property's tax rates to provide tax amounts.
b) Add an updateAssessedValue( newValue ) method to the Property class, which uses newValue in collaboration with the TaxingAuthority's tax rates to provide tax amounts.
c) Add an updateAssessedValue( newValue ) method to the TaxingAuthority class, which uses its tax rates to provide tax amounts.
d) Add an updateAssessedValue( newValue ) method to the Property class, which uses its tax notes to provide tax amounts.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
12. In an OO system, it is desirable to assign responsibilities:
a) according to interaction diagram messaging.
b) more heavily in a few controlling classes.
c) relatively evenly across the classes.
d) to minimize the overhead of message-passing.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
13. Refer to the exhibit to answer the question.
What methods MUST be implemented by the Account class?
a) withdraw, checkBalance
b) withdraw, log, checkBalance
c) withdraw, checkBalance, acknowledge
d) withdraw, acknowledge
https://certify.torolab.ibm.com/figures/486fig55057.gif Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
14. What are good practices to follow during refactoring?
a) Renaming a method and moving a field from one class to another should be done in small steps, testing changes as required.
b) Break down classes that are heavily loaded with responsibilities into smaller classes and distribute the responsibilities among them effectively.
c) Consolidate similar methods from different classes in the same type hierarchy into a common super class wherever possible.
d) Add functionality and refactor simultaneously in order to obtain an efficient and effective design.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
15. During implementation, the development team decides to use a third party utility to provide some of the required functionality. What OOAD artifact would MOST likely reflect this change?
a) Activity diagram
b) Package diagram
c) State diagram
d) Interaction diagram
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).