I am confused with HFSJ Book page no. - 204 and HFSJ errata for the
page no.- 136
HFSJ Book page 204
Topic - RequestDispatcher revealed under the paragraph --
Getting a RequestDispatcher from ServletRequest---
RequestDispatcher view = request.getRequestDispatcher("result.jsp");
Here Book explain like
--"if the path starts with a forward slash ("/"),the container sees that as 'starting from the root of this web app' " Whereas HFSJ errata for page no. 136 explain forward slash ("/") as -
The last paragraph (and code) should read:
The Container builds the complete URL relative to the web container itself, instead of relative to the original URL of the request. So the new URL will be:
http://www.wickedlysmart.com/foo/stuff.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please explain forward slash ("/") - means
"relative to web app OR web container"