Satish Chilukuri

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since Jun 23, 2005
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Recent posts by Satish Chilukuri

You can do it with bash parameter substitution:

You could also use sed:
14 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:When I try your code on Windows the file size is correct each time. Possibly the flushing does not work well. What happens if you call force() on the MappedByteBuffer?

It works in Windows for me too. The problem is in AIX.

I tried calling force() after put(), but the results stay the same.
14 years ago
I'm seeing some weird behavior with MappedByteBuffer. It only seems to write 1024 * n + 1 bytes ignoring the other bytes. This happens only on an AIX machine. The same code works fine in Windows.

Here are a few runs with different values for size:

For the first run, the size is 1024 bytes , but only 1 byte is written to the file "test". If the size is between 1025 and 2048, only the first 1025 bytes are written to "test" and so on.

Anyone have any idea as to what is happening here?
14 years ago

Originally posted by Mandar Khire:

But still i got info from official website, its should not exceed than 40C!

From what link did you get that information? I was looking at a couple of datasheets for 775 socket at the link I mentioned earlier and depending on the clock speed, the max temperature is between 44-70 C.
15 years ago
Applying thermal paste can be a tricky process. If not done properly, the processor can overheat.

As for P4 operating specs, see the datasheet for your processor.
15 years ago
90 C ? What processor does your PC have? If you haven't done this already, unscrew the fan on top of the CPU heat sink, blow hard on the heat sink fins to get rid of the dust in them. My technique is to wrap my face in a handkerchief, take a pen without refill and blow through it. Creates a nice powerful stream of air.
[ December 19, 2008: Message edited by: Satish Chilukuri ]
15 years ago

Originally posted by Gabriel Claramunt:

I know that Dune is an "Epic fail" but I kind of admire Lynch's courage for trying at least.

IMO Dune is a story for which CGI is an absolute necessity and that's one big area where the movie fails. 80's technology wasn't enough and even with the technology I have a feeling that Lynch would not have been able to use it effectively. Maybe Ridley Scott would have done it some justice.
15 years ago
Even if the monitor is switched off, your computer will consume power. The amount depends on what you've got inside - processor, graphics card, hard disk, cooling fans etc.. This can give a rough idea of how much power is consumed.
15 years ago

Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
Aren't those called something like "Turin" something. Like Turin machines. If Turin machines are something else, then it is called something else, but these "machines" have a name for them.


Rube Goldberg machines
15 years ago
One option is to do to a page submit in the onchange event of the country dropdown and get the state list for that country. Another option is to fetch the state list using an ajax call, instead of doing a page submit. Or you could load all the states in JavaScript variables and when the country is changed, you can update the state dropdown from those variables.
It looks like some of your servlets/jsps are handling session expiration cases and some are not. Look at the code for the pages which show the login page on session expiration and see how it is handled. Do the same for other pages.

Also, if user authentication code is duplicated in many places, it is good idea to bring it in one place, preferably in your Controller or in a Filter.
15 years ago
It seems FileWriter doesn't use Unicode encoding by default. You can check the default encoding by printing FileWriter.getEncoding(). Try using OutputStreamWriter and specifying the encoding explicitly:

OutputStreamWriter fw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file),"UTF-8");
15 years ago
Without knowing the file type, there is no way to do any conversion. I still don't understand what you mean convert to a bitmap file. Are there images like .jpg, .png in the .bin file and you need to convert them to bmp format? If it is a video file how are you going to convert it a bmp file? Do you mean to extract individual frames and save them as bmp?
15 years ago
.bin files are generally CD/DVD images. Is that the kind of file you have?
15 years ago
An array is a subclass of Object. To use the variable as an array just do cast and use it.
long[] array = (long[])c;
15 years ago