We are a product company & build web based products for multi-channel customer interaction hubs.
We are facing some issues with loading of applets, when there are other JREs installed alognwith MSJVM -
Problem Scenario:-
We use applets extensively in our product. Since the application is web-based, the customer accesses our application through Microsoft IE-6. We use MSJVM to load applets. Following is a sample applet tag, that we use to load an applet in our application.
<applet CODE=com.egain.platform.client.widget.cl.CL id="cl1"
codebase="../../../../../lib/int/platform" ARCHIVE ="egpl_cl.jar,egpl_uicommon.jar"
width=100% height=100% style="left:0;top:0" mayscript>'
The problem comes when we've other JREs, like SunJVM installed. Till now we forcing customer to uncheck following option in IE Settings --> Advanced tab --> Java(Sun).
"Use JRE 1.6.0 for <applet> (requires restart)".
Problem Statement:-
Our customers need to access other applications & websites, which need the above option to be checked. So we need a way by which we can force Microsoft IE6 to use only MSJVM irrespective of the above option.
[ UD: removed email address, because we like to
UseTheForumNotEmail ]
[ July 17, 2007: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]