valli kotari

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since Jul 08, 2005
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Recent posts by valli kotari


It happend for me aswell.I called them and registered for the exam through phone.why dont you try that way.
Hi ,

earlier i saw your post divya congrats for your score.

i am not clear about the above page 450 of HFSJ he says....

a)include directive
<%@ include file="header.html" %>
STATIC:adds the content from file at translation time.

b)the <jsp:include> standard action
<jsp:include page="header.jsp" />
DYNAMIC:adds content at request time.

c)the <c:import> JSTL tag
<c:import url="...." />
DYNAMIC:adds content from url at request time

so i am not sure.
This is a question from hfsj final mock exam

which jsp code would you use to include static content in a jsp?
a)<%@ include file="/segments/footer.html" %>
b)<jsp:forward page="/segments/footer.html" />
c)<jsp:include page="/segments/footer.html" />
d)RequestDispatcher dispatcher=request.getRequestDispatcher("/segments/footer.html");

he gave the answers a and c.

but i thought its just a as he is asking about static content.

any help?
Hi, this is a question from JWebPlus.


<%@ taglib uri="example" prefix="example" %>
<%="Body Content"%>

If the aTagWithBody handler extends from TagSupport and returns EVAL_BODY_BUFERED from doStartTag(),what will it print?

select one correct option
a)the tag handler class would not compile
b)an exception at request time
c)"Body Content" will be printed

he gave the answer b
but i thought it is a

can anyone help?